Wall Art

New Beginnings in Manhattan Art Print


Jungle Leopard Art Print


Morning Light Art Print


The View Boho Art Print


Boho Mountain Crescent Moon Art Print


Boho Mountain Art Dotted Desert Print


Central Park Cats in Love Art...


Manhattan Travel Art Poster


Let's Wine About It Skeleton and...


Wall Art

Searching for modern wall art? Browse our large selection which includes a great variety of categories to suit every taste. Shop by color, room, subject, or style and easily find art you're sure to love.

Wall art is the backbone of any interior design scheme. It gives the room personality and along with the carefully selected decor, can help you achieve the style or mood you so badly desire. Consider shopping for standalone prints or get a great deal on wall art sets and build your own gallery wall.

Stellar Villa's wall art is created by our renowned artist in her New York City studio. Unique designs are combined with lux materials to produce timeless artwork that will last a lifetime. If you're in need of decorating inspiration, be sure to check out our Instagram for some ideas and give your blank walls some much-needed love.